Carbon Glossary
Net-Zero Whole-Life Carbon
A 'Net Zero (Whole Life) Carbon’ Asset is one where the sum total of all asset related GHG emissions, both operational and embodied, over an asset’s life cycle (Modules A1-A5, B1-B7 (plus B8 and B9 for Infrastructure only), C1-C4) are minimized, meet local carbon, energy and water targets, and with residual ‘offsets’, equals zero. (LETI)
Net Zero Embodied Carbon
A 'Net Zero Embodied Carbon’ asset is one where the sum total of GHG emissions and removals over an asset’s life cycle (Modules A1-A5, B1-B5 and C1-C4) are minimized, meets local carbon targets (e.g.kgCO2e/m2), and with additional ‘offsets’, equals zero. (LETI)
Carbon Sequestration
The capture and removal of carbon from the atmosphere through natural or artificial processes. Carbon sequestration is effective in mitigating global warming when the carbon dioxide (CO2) is held long- term, this means that 1 Metric Ton of carbon must be taken out of the atmosphere and sequestered for at least 100 years to be considered a complete negative emission.
Net Negative/Carbon Negative
The removal of more carbon than is emitted on an annual basis.
The point where greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere stop increasing, stabilize, and begin to decline.
Avoided Emissions
An effective carbon management strategy that contributes to achieving a long term carbon balance for the earth. Strategies to avoid emissions include energy generation from renewables, reduced energy consumption, and fuel emission reductions through cleaner energy production.
Global Warming Potential (GWP)
A measure of how much energy the emissions of 1 ton of a gas will absorb typically over 100 years, relative to the emissions of 1 ton of carbon dioxide (CO2). Energy absorbed by these gases and trapped in the atmosphere led to warming of the Earth, also known as the 'greenhouse gas effect'. GWP is measured in Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e). GWP allows us to compare the global warming impacts of different gases.
Carbon Offset
Carbon offset’ means emission reductions or removals achieved by one entity can be used to compensate (offset) emissions from another entity. (LETI)